Alec Baldwin Didn’t Want to Play ‘SNL’ Trump At First
Once upon a time, Alec Baldwin taking on the role of SNL’s Donald Trump seemed like an amusing guest spot to take us through the debates. Now, the question remains how long Baldwin will play the beleaguered president, especially as the reigning host claims he never wanted the role in the first place.
The Boss Baby star had previously gone on record to suggest that he might not continue the impression post-election, as well that SNL might need a new Trump after Season 42. All the same, Baldwin tells Vanity Fair he was uncertain of taking the gig even before the November 8 upset:
When Lorne called me and asked, ‘Do you want to do this?,’ I said, ‘No, I don’t want to be Trump on TV!’ Because anytime you do any kind of mimicry, it’s of somebody that you appreciate. I didn’t hate Trump. I just didn’t want to play him. But Tina and Lorne pushed me, so I finally said yes.
Additional interviews saw Baldwin explaining that another project might have prevented his involvement, until serendipitous financial issues freed him up:
I was supposed to do a film. And the people who were doing the film were supposed to escrow money to guarantee that I would get paid. And they didn’t put the money in escrow. And that’s when I hung up and said I’m not going to go do the movie and I’m going to go do the thing with Lorne. And I think to myself, ‘What if I hadn’t done that?’… It’s turned out to be this incredible opportunity.
Five episodes remain in Season 42, between Louis C.K., Jimmy Fallon, Chris Pine, Melissa McCarthy and The Rock, but will Baldwin’s Trump participate in at least one? What of Season 43 this fall?
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