After 15 Radiothons This One Feels Different In A Good Way
We once again are in the middle of our B105 Cares For St. Jude Kids Radiothon. It's something that I've been proud to be a part of in my broadcasting career. I remember my first radiothon back in 2007. I had no idea what I was in for, but quickly learned what a great place St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is. Most radiothons over the years have felt relatively the same, but this year is far different.
Normally we have a room in our building with volunteers answering phones and chatting with each other. I've gotten to know many of the volunteers over the years that have come in. This year, because of COVID-19, we are utilizing a remote call center.
We normally have our St. Jude fundraising representatives here in the studios helping us with the radiothon. We sometimes will even go out to happy hour with them afterwards to unwind a little. This year, we are zooming with them because of COVID-19.
I knew all of this leading up to this morning, our first day of the radiothon. Last night I honestly wondered if anyone would call to donate this morning. It has been such a weird and hard year for so many people including myself. I had no clue what to expect when we started this morning. Every other year had felt the same. This year definitely feels different.
Then about 20 minutes into the radiothon we got our first partner in hope. It was a sigh of relief. I know that may seem funny with just one, but it made me feel better. Then another came in, and another came in, and so on for the rest of the morning. We hit all of our hourly goals and it even went better than some previous years.
It feels different and new this year because it is a whole new game. The end goal is the same in years past. That hasn't changed. We are saving lives, and we need your help. Thank you to so many people who already have become a partner in hope.
If you haven't yet, please tune in and call 1-800-303-1135 to donate. You can also donate online.
Thank you Northland!