A Python Has Gone Missing Inside A Wisconsin High School
NOPE. A python is on the loose inside a Wisconsin High School.
Several news outlets are reporting a long, slithering creature is lost somewhere inside Fond du Lac High School. Yikes.
Reports say the snake is about 3 feet long. It escaped from its cage at some point over the long holiday weekend and may have entered the ventilation system of the school. Oops.
The principal has assured the school's staff, students and the media that the snake is not a threat at this time. The snake, named Kai, has "no history of harming anyone or striking out" against humans. He also assured students the snake probably won't come out during school hours because it is nocturnal.
The school is taking measures now to try to lure the snake from wherever it is hiding at the moment. According to WSAW, school employees will start to take apart the ventilation system to see if they can find it curled up somewhere.
I would say a missing snake slithering around your school somewhere is a good reason to call in sick. Ha!
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