11 Stages Of Going To A Minnesota Or Wisconsin Fair
The best time of year is here: fair season! After a year of virtually no fairs anywhere, we are all going to be heading to the nearest fair and eating all the funnel cakes we can.
In Minnesota and Wisconsin, there is no shortage of county fairs to head to when summer rolls around. Of course, we can't forget the Minnesota State Fair, which is a huge fair that happens at the end of every single summer.
Fairs are the ultimate summertime activity. Chances are you are going to go to one yourself this year. While they are fun, we usually experience the same stages every time we go to one.
You know what I am talking about. You get so excited that you eat everything in sight and then you go on rides and feel sick from eating too much. I wouldn't have it any other way!
With the Minnesota State Fair right around the corner, I was inspired to come up with this list of stages we all experience when going to a fair. It is all in good fun. I will definitely be hitting up some fairs this summer!