The Twin Ports area is full of great things, landmarks, people and lots of great unique qualities that make the area a special place for all of us that call it home.  So let's have some fun and finish the sentence, You Know You’re from the Twin Ports When…  See our list after the jump.


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You Know You’re from the Twin Ports When…


  1. You get stopped by a train 3 times in 15 minutes of driving in Superior.
  2. You check to see how windy it is before you decide to take the Blatnik or The Bong
  3. When someone says, “yeah we’ll take the bong over”, you don’t bat an eye.
  4. You dress in layers 8 months out of the year.
  5. Everyone else is complaining about the nation’s heat wave as your furnace kicks on.
  6. You can literally walk the entire airport in under 3 minutes.
  7. It actually makes the news that we get a Buffalo Wild Wings.
  8. You don’t have to worry about our Lakers getting into a sex scandal.
  9. You don’t understand why people think Grandma’s Marathon is for senior citizens.
  10. You can do a pub crawl and only travel 3 blocks in 4 hours on Tower Avenue.
  11. You know where the nearest Sammy's pizza is wherever you are.
  12. Your favorite dog is the Bulldog
  13. You’re willing to sit outside in -40 weather to watch a kids hockey game
  14. You see a person turning left when they’re in the right hand turn lane
  15. You never put away your winter coat – even in August
  16. Next to Duluth you are Superior
  17. You measure distance in minutes not miles
  18. You take opener fishing and hunting off of work or school is cancelled
  19. You make sure your kids Halloween costume fits over their Winter gear
  20. All you hear is "yep", "ya" and  "you betcha".
  21. People are still wearing sweaters in June
  22. The weather man says it is going to be 80 but  it is foggy and 50 degrees on Park Point
  23. We have a snow storm where two feet of snow falls and schools are still open
  24. You hit a pot hole and another and another and another and another.........
  25. The Fog Horn and the Bridge/Ship Horns don't phase you anymore
  26. You know where the Antennae Farm is
  27. You ski in boxer shorts and wear a Parka in July!
  28. 45 degrees is heat wave
  29. We have 2 weeks of actual summer and 50 weeks of winter
  30. People from other states think WE have accents
  31. Using your blinker to turn or switch lanes is considered a sin
  32. The seagulls in Canal Park are big enough to carry away small children
  33. The phrase “ I know, Right? Falls into EVERY conversation

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