Wisconsin’s Tiniest City Christmas Tree Creates Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity
The city's large Christmas tree had to be retired last year. It looked full on the outside, but inside it was very unhealthy. The difficult decision had to be made to replace the Christmas tree at the heart of the city.
The City of Superior unveiled the new tree with a lighting ceremony on Friday, November 24. Mayor Jim Paine posted a picture of the tree before the lighting ceremony explaining why the tree was so small.
Because the tree has always been a living tree, they have to start somewhere. That's why this little tree is right in the heart of Center City Park. It does create a fun opportunity for families with little kids. Take your kids out to the park and get a picture of them next to the tree. Come back next year to see how much the tree AND your kids have grown.
A lot of parents do the same with kids standing next to a tree on the first day of school. This could be a new Christmas tradition. It could even be the photo for your family Christmas card.
Even with the small Christmas tree, there was a big turnout for the event. The Superior Business Improvement District shared a video on Facebook showing how many people came out on Friday night. Remember to support the small businesses in the community while you're shopping this holiday season.
Ornaments and a carving were made out of the old tree by students from the Superior High School Spartan Manufacturing class.
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Gallery Credit: Laura Ratliff