Winona Ryder Spotted In Winona Minnesota Filming A Commercial
Having gone to college in Winona Minnesota I always wondered if the actress of the same name was from there or named after this quaint little town? According to IMDB she in fact was born in Winona in 1971 and was named after the town, but grew up in California. So, fast forward to now. According to the Winona Post a film crew was spotted in the downtown area on Tuesday filming a commercial and some eagle eye people watching the action spotted Winona Ryder.
A member of the production team confirmed that if all goes well this commercial will air during the Super Bowl. Mark Peterson who is Mayor of Winona said they are taping a national commercial for a technology startup company and Steve Sarvi Winona City Manager said that Ryder was going to be in the commercial.
When asked why they chose Winona Mn to shoot the commercial Anne Healy of Anne Healy Locations said, “I think they just loved the architecture and the town because every single building in town is just gorgeous.They liked the snow, they like the cliffs. Oh, we shot at a houseboat this morning, so they like the Mississippi River. If Minnesota had better incentives for filmmakers, tons of movies would be made here.
So now all we can do is sit back and wait until Super Bowl Sunday and see if the ad will actually make the cut. Considering how much it costs to run an ad during the game this company has made quite the investment in hoping this works!
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