Which Sports Are NBC Faking At The Olympics
Technology has brought along a lot of changes in the past few years. Some good some bad. Dennis Baxter was put in charge of running mics and handling the sound for the Olympics since 1996. He has come up with some great ideas for hearing what the event is like. I’ve got a spoiler!
Baxter has become so good at what he does and has made some sports come alive. Before, you could only hear the thud of the arrow in archery, now you hear the release, the flight, and the then the thud. His idea, was an easy one to do. Put mics from the competitor all the way down to the target. 4 mics all the way.
This was the case with gymnastics, mic the bars and mats.
Now, here’s where the spoiler is. Some sports, like rowing, are quiet and when you film them you are in a motor boat. So, the first year Dennis Baxter did sound he had complaints that all you could hear was the filming motor. Baxter went to the practices and taped the noise and sound and that is what NBC runs in the back round. That sounded so good that now with quieter sports, the sound is mostly taped and run along with the live footage and you never know the difference.
Listen to the story or hear the difference, click here.