It must be so tempting if you're a lion. There, mere inches away, in plain sight, is a child—a quick, easy meal just sitting there. But for that darn glass!
Tori the smoking Orangutan has been sent away from her fellow primates and zoo goers so she can kick the habit. In this Indonesian zoo, people have been throwing lit cigarettes into her cage for her to smoke. They've been photographing her chain smoke for years. Zoo officials says she's been smoking for at least a decade. (She's now 15.)
I buy a family membership to the Lake Superior Zoo every November for my two great nieces' birthdays. Their mom and dad always talk about how much they enjoy unlimited zoo visits and "members only events". It's the Lake Superior Zoo's Annual Membership Drive, right now! (oh, did you notice their new logo? Cool, huh?)
Probably not a shock to you, but all this shutdown is doing is allowing both sides to pump their chests like gorillas at the Minnesota Zoo - if only it was open to see.
Minnesota stands to lose millions of dollars in revenue and get saddled with millions more in new expenses for every week that the widespread shutdown of state government persists.
Residents in Seattle now have access to one of the best pick-me-ups ever.
A baby ocelot named Evita finally made an appearance Monday morning at the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo. The 3-month-old spotted feline was born in early 2011 and has since been bonding with its mom behind closed doors.