There will be employers on site to share job opportunities that exist throughout Duluth's hospitality and tourism industry and they'll be ready to hire!
Fallout from the pandemic as it relates to the tourism industry has led to the exploration of a possible merger between two of Duluth's biggest tourism organizations.
Visit Duluth is teaming up with the Duluth Seaway Port Authority to once again bring us the "First Ship Contest." It helps kick off the Duluth shipping season on Lake Superior, and the contest is all about guessing when that saltie sails in.
Here's another chance for you to win prizes with Visit Duluth and the Duluth Seaway Port Authority. It's called the First Ship Challenge Trivia Contest and it's different than predicting when the first ocean going ship is going to sail under the Aerial Lift Bridge. This one is based on knowledge rather than guessing when the first saltie will arrive in Duluth. Are you up for the competition?
Yay! This contest always means Spring is near!!! Think back to mid-January, the Paul R. Tregurtha was the last ship to sale under the Aerial Lift Bridge to end the shipping season. It was an amazing 46th visit of the season for the Tregurtha. , as she was the last vessel to come under the Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge this season. Let's have a little competition with the first ship of the season
The awesome Tall Ships are coming back to the Northland and we're going to give you lots of time to invite friends and family to town to enjoy them. Here's the details, SAVE THE DATE!