If you haven't seen this show, put it on the top of your watch list. It's fantastic! It's also pretty cool that they featured a local band's music in an episode.
If you thought the cord-cutters’ market was aggressive before, just wait until you get a load of YouTube TV. The online video staple announced the full scope of its live TV bundle, complete with unlimited cloud DVR and a moderate monthly subscription fee.
For some reason Cathy brought up this pre-sharknado movie during the show. A few people actually called in to say they have seen the movie. It's pretty terrible, and who knows, maybe this is what sparked the Sharknado series.
Another Sharknado TV movie is coming out this Sunday on SyFy, and this time it will feature a country singer. Jay Demarcus from Rascal Flatts plays the 'Shark World' Hotel Manager. He can seen briefly in the trailers.
My birthday was last week and it was a great one. I got some pretty cool gifts, and my wife likes to surprise me with nerdy stuff that I like. For example she bought me this Jedi Starfighter lego set. (It was something me and our son could build together.) She also got me a new t-shirt.
I'm sure that you've heard of the "Sharknado" and "Sharknado 2" craze, the SyFy Channel movies that are so bad you can't look away. However, have you heard of "Sharktopus Vs. Pteracuda"?
We've seen the Syfy development wheels turning a bit of late with last week's official pickup of the TV-adapted '12 Monkeys,' but this might be the cable network's most intriguing prospect yet. Syfy will follow 'The Walking Dead' into zombie land with a series order for 'Z Nation,' its own corner of the apocalypse that borrows a few pages from 'World War Z,' as well.
Syfy channel is known for having some low budget ridiculous sci-fi movies. Recently, they may have had their best and worst movie yet: Sharknado. It's a movie about Tornadoes that sling man eating sharks and people. Yep, you read it right... it's a movie about shark tornadoes.