A small fire broke out in a bathroom at Superior High School on January 22. Thankfully it was contained quickly with out causing a ton of damage to property and nobody was injured.
The University of Wisconsin Superior is expressing their gratitude for the continued support of a student program funded by the Swenson Family Foundation.
Get out and support local filmmakers tonight at the Manion Theatre in the Holden Fine and Applied Arts Center, located on the University of Wisconsin-Superior’s campus on Catlin Avenue. The showcase is tonight from 7pm - 9pm and it's free and open to the public.
A while back, we told you about the Jewish girls’ school in Brooklyn that instituted a Facebook ban for its students, saying using the social media site violated its religious tenets.
Now an elementary school in Australia is following suit, but its demand that kids delete their Facebook pages has an entirely different reason: it’s an attempt to wipe out cyber-bullying.
When Baltimore mom Lynsai Green found out her second-grader had a negative balance with the school cafeteria, she was confused — until her son told her one of his teachers was routinely stealing his lunch money.
64-year-old art teacher Sandra Hadsock is making headlines this week after she punched a male student in the face for allegedly calling her vulgar names.
Angeline Lavasseur didn't want to break the time-honored tradition of graduates walking to get their diplomas at graduation.
The 18-year-old girl, who has been confined to a wheelchair throughout her childhood after being born with spina bifida, recently walked across the stage to pick up her diploma at Pinckney High School's graduation in Ann Arbor, Michigan.