
Twin Ports Rainfall Totals So Far
Twin Ports Rainfall Totals So Far
Twin Ports Rainfall Totals So Far
Torrential rainfall has plagued the Northland, leading to road closures and cancellations on a level of an extreme winter storm. You can see the full listing of closures here. So, the question is: How much rain have we actually seen so far?
Duluth / Superior Rain Totals Updated, Rain Amounts For Spring 2012
Duluth / Superior Rain Totals Updated, Rain Amounts For Spring 2012
Duluth / Superior Rain Totals Updated, Rain Amounts For Spring 2012
Once again, we got a heck of a lot of rain over the weekend.  Compared to the last rain storm a week ago, this rain came fast and hard, bringing ping pong sized hail in some areas of West Duluth.  I know at our house we had pea sized hail, and lots of it.  How much rain did we get this weekend?  How are we compared to the average spring?  Find out after the jump.