Finding fun things to do in the winter makes the season seem to move along faster, so mark your calendar now for the Bayfield Winter Festival for a fun weekend that includes a crazy 5K.
The Polar Bear Plunge is upon us and while I think we all agree that raising money for the Special Olympics is a great thing to do, many people are very wary of plunging into cold Lake Superior. I totally understand, but there is another way you can help the cause and I'd love for you to join me Saturday morning to do just that.
Berlin, the Polar Bear at the Lake Superior Zoo, couldn't have a more timely birthday. It's around the holiday, but still early enough for Santa to leave the elves in charge of making the toys and join the FUN at Berlin's Birthday Bash! It's this Saturday, December 3. Berlin hopes you can come celebrate and take a picture with Santa. Here's all the details.