I've had a crack in my garage floor since we bought the house 6 years ago. It wasn't a bad crack at first, but each year it widened a bit. It was finally time to do something, but there are so many different products out there to try.
Ok, first I'm embarrassed to admit it, but this is probably the first time I have swept the garage since last fall. (hey, don't judge) So, I suspected there was going to be a lot of dirt. But as I swept it became increasingly clear that there was WAY more than I anticipated and I was shocked to find a think layer of salt that had adhered itself to the garage floor.
Ever had your garage door spring suddenly snap? Suddenly, there is no way for you to get your car out, as often times the door is too heavy to lift without the spring. The old fashioned way of replacing the spring and winding it back for tension is pretty dangerous. It involves winding bars that if slip could snap back and crack your skull or face open. Well now there is an easier, safer way.
It's not often that I get excited about a man cave. My husband is currently working to make his what's considered ultimate. He was doing pretty good too, was feeling pretty good about himself and his sweat equity, until I showed him this. Fake trees and rocks??? REALLY???