Don’t Worry About Your Late Fees, Blockbuster Has Closed Its Doors [VIDEO]
Don’t Worry About Your Late Fees, Blockbuster Has Closed Its Doors [VIDEO]
Don’t Worry About Your Late Fees, Blockbuster Has Closed Its Doors [VIDEO]
Remember when a weekend night would often include dinner, then a trip to Blockbuster to pick out a movie to watch?  Walking up and down the isle, reading the back of the boxes, and trying to find the perfect movie to fit your mood at the time.  Well, the digital age has made that about as hip as the 8-track tape.
Does Bigfoot Live In This Man’s Backyard? [VIDEO]
Does Bigfoot Live In This Man’s Backyard? [VIDEO]
Does Bigfoot Live In This Man’s Backyard? [VIDEO]
We've all at some point heard an animal outside our house or have had things messed with in the yard.  The first assumption is usually a skunk, raccoon or deer roaming around.  However, perhaps it's Bigfoot?!  This man is convinced that Bigfoot is living in his backyard and there has even been communication.
Meet The Original Voice of Siri [VIDEO]
Meet The Original Voice of Siri [VIDEO]
Meet The Original Voice of Siri [VIDEO]
When Siri was introduced to the masses in 2011, her voice quickly became one of the most listened to everywhere.  The question is, who is she? has found the voice of Siri, it's Atlanta native Susan Bennett who has done a lot of voice work over the years...