Anderson Cooper Handled The Orlando Shooting in The Best Way Possible By Remembering & Honoring Victims [VIDEO]
Anderson Cooper Handled The Orlando Shooting in The Best Way Possible By Remembering & Honoring Victims [VIDEO]
Anderson Cooper Handled The Orlando Shooting in The Best Way Possible By Remembering & Honoring Victims [VIDEO]
I've said this before, and I'll say it again.  I hate the fact that when a mass shooting happens that all the focus goes on the gunman.  Yes it's important that authorities investigate what drove the person to shoot, and if there are terrorist connections, and anything else.  But what if we focused more of our attention on honoring those who lost their lives.  Nicely done Anderson Cooper. Read Mor
Facebook Looks To Bring The Internet Everywhere in the World [VIDEO]
Facebook Looks To Bring The Internet Everywhere in the World [VIDEO]
Facebook Looks To Bring The Internet Everywhere in the World [VIDEO]
Facebook is looking to use technology to bring internet service to every person in the world, providing service to those who right now have never had access.  I know what you're thinking, "Of course they are, then they can make even more money with more customers".  While there are monetary considerations to be sure, there is more to it.

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