Superior Police Ask For Votes In Contest To Raise Funds For The Northland K9 Foundation
The Superior Police Department is competing for a national award that carries a cash prize with it; they've pledged to donate those funds to the Northland K9 Foundation if they win.
The award is the 2022 Rise Award which is given by Axon. According to an article in the Superior Telegram [paywall], Police departments are nominated to "recognize....the agency's accomplishments in improving community engagement" and a safer community. The Axon company is a national vendor that not only provides equipment to police departments all across the country, but they also work with them in a training capacity.
Along with the award comes a cash prize in the amount of $7,500. The Superior Police Department has pledged to donate that money to the Northland K9 Foundation. Many will recognize that the Northland Foundation is our local nonprofit that "assists area law enforcement agencies to acquire and train police dogs".
While the final selection will be made by a selection committee at the national level, there is a way you can help out. The general public is invited to vote for the Superior Police Department. While the award isn't a popularity contest, the nominations help to "elevate" the awareness of the accomplishments each law enforcement agency has made to the final selection committee.
The Superior Police Department has taken to Facebook and other social media means to ask for help from the community as they raise funds for the Northland K9 Foundation - which they point out as "an organization that provides [them] with so much throughout the year".
To make your voice heard, place your vote sharing the good work that the Superior Police have provided, and help them raise that $7,500 they're pledging for the nonprofit, visit the Rise Awards voting page. You'll find a voting page that's already set for the Superior Police Department - all you need to do is click "vote now". The website also has additional details about the Rise Award.
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