Street Cleaning Starts In City Of Duluth On Thursday
Ah, a sure sign of Spring. When the city sends out the street sweeper to eliminate the abundance of dirt, sand and salt that has accumulated near the curbs. Of course, we will not be able to park on the streets they are cleaning. Our cooperation will make the process much easier for the crew. Here are the routes they plan to clean which will be clearly marked.
Crews will start on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 7:00 a.m. The public is asked to note the "No Parking" signs in order for crews to complete their work. Their plans are to sweep along the parking lanes of the following one way streets.
- 3rd St. from 21st Ave E to Mesaba Ave – Excluding 6th Ave E to 4th Ave E
- 2nd St. from 12th Ave E to 21st Ave E
- 1st St. from 21st Ave E to 7th Ave E – Excluding 12th Ave E to 9th Ave E
The City thanks you for your cooperation.
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