Punxsutawney Phil Says 6 More Weeks Of Winter
Punxsutawney Phil made his prediction, with cardboard stand-ups of the townspeople, but he saw his shadow and made his prediction.
According to the lore of Groundhog Day, when Phil sees his shadow and we have 6 more weeks of winter if he comes out and doesn't see his shadow we have an early spring. Here in the Northland, does it matter, it's gonna be cold, we are gonna get snow. We don't need a stinking Groundhog to tell us that. The record according to stormfax is 105 (*updated for this year) times he has seen his shadow, 20 times not seeing a shadow, and 9 times there was no record.
Doing the math, Phil came out at 720 am. There is more to the celebration than just Phil coming out and seeing or not seeing his shadow. There are wine tasting events and a whole weekend of celebrations. This year it will be different for the town. They are trying to keep up the tradition but a lot of the celebrations will be different.
According to MSN normally, tens of thousands of people gather to see the prediction with over 40,000 people coming to watch. No visitors were allowed at the ceremony and was streamed as normal at Gobbler's Knob right by the Pennsylvania Tourism Office
How accurate has Phil been? Well, according to MSN, since 1887, Phil and his predecessors have predicted 103 forecasts of more winter and 20 early springs
I had to laugh, the Punxatawny Phil Circle Facebook page said that any posts were done by fans of Phil, that Phil doesn't actually talk.
Here is Phil today, there is a special on the history of the town and things they do, but i have it starting right at Phil's prediction.
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