Some prankster out there thought it would be funny to leave a high score sheet on a radar speed sign in Minnesota.

Among those listed on the speed sign was "Marty McFly" who reached 88 miles per hour, which means the Dolorean did some time traveling in this spot.

attachment-rosemount map

Rosemount Police Department shared the photo to their Facebook page, admitting that it even gave them a chuckle.

Rosemount Police Department Facebook
Rosemount Police Department Facebook

What was funnier yet is that when they looked at the cardboard backing of the sign, they found a return shipping label, which they believed belonged to the prankster.

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They continue the post by saying that all kidding aside, there's a reason that they have the signs.

Rosemount Police Department
Rosemount Police Department

The speed signs use radar to calculate an approaching car's speed. They are usually deployed in areas where residents complain of speeders. They are to deter speeding, to bring awareness to speed, and just slow down traffic in general. It's also used to gather data to help consider the next steps in enforcement.

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There were a lot of fun comments in the post. You could argue that the inclusion of the High Score sheet actually helped spread the message and bring more awareness to speeding, which continues to be a problem across communities in Minnesota.

There was an uptick in reckless speeding during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and extra enforcement is still taking place across the state to crack down on it.

Finally, the police department warned us not to time travel because we're running short on Deloreans and the whole space-time continuum thingy. Haha! Got to love it!

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