Minnesota Police Department Decks Out Patrol Car In Hilarious Way
This is a strange time with COVID-19 coronavirus but one police department in Minnesota is making the best of it - and trying to make us laugh along the way.
The police in Farmington are having a little bit of fun under the current circumstances and have decked out their car with famous song lyrics that are very applicable to this day and age, with social distancing and quarantining and such.
Thankfully, they are sharing their sense of humor with us all and posted a photo of the fun on their Twitter page. Check it out below:
Ha!! This isn't the first time they've done this either. On the first of April they also decked out their ride, with lyrics that seem appropriate right now thanks to COVID-19.
The City of Farmington always makes us laugh. When things with COVID-19 started ramping up, they made us laugh with a jab at Minnesota sports. In this day and age, we need all the laughs we can get!

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