Don’t Miss Bayfield, Wisconsin’s 61ST Annual Apple Festival
With it being October already, that means it's almost time for one of my favorite events near the Twin Ports.

The Bayfield Apple Festival is a family tradition of sorts, almost every year we venture to Bayfield, Wi, to enjoy just about everything apple.
Not only can you find plenty of apple-based items at the festival, but I suggest a stop at Erickson Orchard too. There, you can even pick your own apples if you desire. It's also a good stop after the festival to grab apples and cider so you don't carry that stuff around the whole time.
As far as apple foods at the Apple Festival, my personal favorite is the apple brat with apple mustard. I don't have a picture because every year I forget to take one, but I promise it's worth the wait in line. If you haven't tried it before, put it on the "must try" list.
Another favorite thing my Dad and I enjoy, is buying raffle tickets for whatever the City of Bayfield Fire Department has up for grabs. Most years there are various firearms, and sometimes a side by side or wheeler. The proceeds from the raffle tickets sold go to benefit the department, usually to purchase lifesaving gear for the fire fighters.
While the festival runs for three days, October 6th, 7th, and 8th in 2023, try to make it before the last day, which is a Sunday. The only reason I suggest that is because in years past, I've run into them running out of certain kinds of apples or being completely out of cider, if you like to take that home.
Lastly, load up your vehicle with various layers of clothing. One for sure thing, is the weather varies so much from year to year. I've been there when it's almost 80 degrees and sunny, and I've been there standing in three inches of sloppy snow.