FYI: The City Of Duluth Website Has A Tool To Report Potholes
Everybody hates potholes they can cause a hazard from people swerving to try and avoid them or you might accidentally drive over one which can cause some serious damage to your car. Usually this time of year they are not as big of an issue or as prevalent because we have a few inches of snow caked on the streets covering them up.
But with the crazy weather, we have been having lately and warm temperatures they have popped up and are causing some serious headaches. Ever since I have moved to Duluth I know to be on the lookout for potholes, they are everywhere.
I for one was not aware that the city of Duluth had a tool on its website to report potholes. Apparently, they rolled it out last spring for residents to alert city workers about where they are so they can at least be patched up until that road is repaved. What a great idea and how proactive of them. I am pretty sure someone or multiple people who work for the city were getting tired of the angry phone calls and e-mails they were receiving.
According to FOX21: "You go to the City’s website and click on the tab that says, “City Spotlight,” then go to the “Resident Problem Reporter.” From there it will walk you through sharing the issue and its location, and you can even upload photos."

If you report a pothole now in the winter it might get fixed now or they will have to wait until May to be able to fill it with hot asphalt when the ground is warmer. But apparently, each pothole complaint they get is reviewed by city crews to see if it can be fixed immediately. If you want to report a pothole here is the link.