It’s Snowmobile Safety Awareness Week In Minnesota
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed it Snowmobile Safety Awareness Week. As we get deeper into winter, more and more snowmobiles get out on the trails. While that can be a lot of fun, it can also be dangerous if people aren't riding safely.
This week, riders, clubs and instructors can all focus together on safe, responsible snowmobiling.
From the Minnesota DNR, here are some key safety points:
- Snowmobiling and alcohol don’t mix - don’t drink and ride.
- Smart riders are safe riders – take a snowmobile safety training course.
- Always wear a helmet and adequate clothing.
- When night riding slow down – expect the unexpected.
- Know before the ride – always check local trail and ice conditions.
- Cross with care.
- Know risks and be prepared – make every trip a round trip.
- One is the loneliest number – never ride alone.
- Ride safe, stay on the trail – respect private property.
Also, to legally ride a snowmobile in Minnesota, residents born after Dec. 31, 1976 need a valid snowmobile safety certificate. Click this link to see options for both classroom and online classes.