If You Have A Gas Furnace, Make Sure You Are Clearing Away The Snow From More Than Just Your Sidewalks
We survived The Polar Vortex and now comes the 2 snowiest months of the year, and I do believe we are making up for the last few winters in spades. With that comes scraping, shoveling, snow blowing etc. But, if you have natural gas have you given a second thought to wear your gas meter is? If you own a home chances are it is pretty close to the ground.
So with all the snow we have been getting you might want to take a little look around and make sure your meter is not buried. If you get snow to the top round ring of your meter do you know that it will cut your gas off? It's true we learned that the hard way around 6 years ago. We had been in the house for 5 years and I never gave that meter a thought until one cold wintry day we did not have any heat. I called Comfort Systems and that is the first thing they asked me to check.
After I dug it out the heat fired right back on, plus it is a good idea to keep it clean and have a plowed path so they can read your meter. This will be the third time in the last few weeks I have had to dig ours out, which would not be so bad If I did not have to wade through knee deep snow to get to it. Also make sure your dryer exhaust and furnace exhaust pipes are free of snow and ice as well. Stay warm and think Spring!
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