How Can You Get Good Concert Tickets?
Even though I work at a radio station, I feel the anxiety of buying concert tickets. We use to think it was difficult the way we use to have to buy them, but now days it's near impossible to get front row since they're gone before you even get the chance to buy them. Here's why.
There use to be a day when the only way to buy concert tickets was to wait in line or dial and redial the telephone. Not the cell phone while you're out multi-tasking either. An honest to goodness telephone that had a cord that tethered you to within a 5 foot range until the cordless phones came out. And if you go even further back you may have had to deal with party lines. That's where neighbors within a certain radius of miles shared one phone line, so if you picked the received up and there was no dial tone, you were to hang it up because someone was using it. Not only irritating for the person that wanted to use the phone, but when someone keeps clicking in and out of your telephone conversation, it's just as annoying (especially if you were a teenager in a new relationship and you just wanted to hang on the phone and breathe at each other).
Some people would sleep in tents or sleeping bags on the then Duluth Arena sidewalk, now known as the DECC to be one of the first in line. While you can still buy tickets at the DECC box office, the preferred method involves ticket master either by cell phone or website. But, by the time the tickets are available to the general public, most of the premium seats are sold. That's because they started "pre-sale" to certain groups of people and because their are people/businesses that will buy a crazy amount of tickets with the intention to sell them for a higher price on a ticket website. I understand your pain, I float in your boat. I sat at my desk trying frantically to get good Garth Brooks tickets. Thank goodness he kept adding shows or I would have been out of luck. I didn't even come close to getting Elton John tickets when he was at the DECC. Here's my two suggestions to help you get tickets to your favorite shows.
1. Become a fan club member of the artist or group you want to see. Often times the artist will offer a pre-sale of tickets to their fan club in the town they will be visiting. Sometimes they even offer the chance to win backstage passes to fan club members.
2. Become a B105 Backstage Member. It's free to become one and only takes a couple of minutes. Our Backstage Members get fantastic perks! Opportunities to win huge prizes, like concerts in other states complete with airfare, hotel, tickets to the show and spending cash. Sometimes they even come with dinner with the artist and other cool once-in-a-lifetime chances. Backstage members also get in on special pre-sale codes to get tickets to a concert before the general public. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of all being a Backstage member offers?
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