Has Anyone Else Noticed This While Driving Around Duluth?
Has anyone else noticed this lately while driving around the Duluth area? Because I have! Maybe this has always been a thing but I have never noticed it before. Maybe we all have been doing some spring cleaning. Either way, I want to know what you think!
Let me preface by saying that this could very well be happening in other Northland areas or even other parts of Minnesota. It may not even be a thing we just see here in Minnesota or Wisconsin. However, I have noticed it in Duluth more than anywhere else.
Lately and more than ever, I have seen more and more people leaving things at the end of their driveway or in front of their house for people to take! There is usually a sign that says "FREE" on it in big letters. Sometimes the stuff is just sitting at the end of the driveway without a note.
I don't know why but I have seen so many of these free items over the past month or so. It seems like there are more people offering up free stuff at the end of their driveway than ever. Why is that?
I have a few theories. My first theory is this: we couldn't really have garage sales or estate sales during the pandemic so more people have more stuff to get rid of now that we have a light at the end of the tunnel with COVID-19. After not being able to for a year, maybe people are hopping on the opportunity to get rid of stuff that didn't before.
Another theory I have also fits in with the theory above: people did a lot of spring cleaning during the pandemic and now want to get rid of their clutter! We couldn't do much for awhile there and many of us turned to cleaning, purging and organizing our stuff. Now that restrictions are lifted, people are trying to get rid of all the junk they went through.
My last theory is that people may not want to deal with bringing stuff somewhere to dispose of it properly. Maybe people think it will be helpful to someone else who may want or need what they are offering up for free.
There is also another possibility: this is nothing new and happens all the time but I just haven't noticed before! Maybe this was a thing before the pandemic and I just forgot because we were all quarantining for so long.
Either way, I have seen so many "free" items throughout Duluth. I have seen an oven, couches, furniture, workout equipment, shoes and clothes. You know what they say - one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Like I said, this is likely something that happens all over the place but since I spend most of my time in Duluth, that is where I noticed it happening the most.