Grandma’s Marathon Runners Car Now At Miller Hill Mall
If you're running Grandma's Marathon or the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon, look for your name on the Grandma's Runners Toyota, now on display at the Miller Hill Mall.
The driver side features all registered runners of Grandma's Marathon, while the passenger side features all registered runners of the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon. All runners are listed in alphabetical order, so it won't take long to find your name, or the names of runners you know who are participating.
The car is easy to find, sitting just outside Old Navy in side the Miller Hill Mall. Find it, take a picture of your name and add it to your scrapbook which will soon include your medal and finisher shirt.
Grandma's Marathon weekend is coming up June 15 - June 16. The William A. Irvin 5K will kick things off the evening of June 15, then it's the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon and Grandma's Marathon June 16.
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