Government Sends Foul-Mouthed Letter To Company
If you thought grape juice was the biggest challenge for those in the carpet cleaning business, you'd be wrong. It turns out getting people to know your name is the real dilemma.
According to WSB, the Georgia Department of Labor has launched an investigation after one its employees sent a piece of mail to a suburban Atlanta cleaning company called Rug Suckers last month with a rather foul word we can't mention here in place of "suckers" that just so happens to rhyme with it. Yeah, you know the one.
The state employee behind the mishap tried to deflect the blame in a halfhearted apology by calling Rug Suckers manager Pepper Powell and leaving a voicemail that said, "I understood you to say that the company's name was rug *uckers. I asked you twice and you replied, 'Yes, it was.' I don't talk like that, but I am apologizing if I got that wrong." The employee had been mailing out official forms to Rug Suckers.
Powell denies telling the worker she referred to the company by the salty-toned moniker. The employee, meanwhile, probably had some choice four-letter words of his own when he found out he was suspended from work while the department checks into the matter.
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