Duluth’s Water Infrastructure To Be Highlighted In Documentary
We appreciate the beauty of Lake Superior. We appreciate the revenue it generates from tourists and the shipping industry. How can we continue to benefit from our resource while keeping it free from storm and waste water overflow? The age of our water infrastructure has us wanting answers to questions we should have asked long ago. Learn more this Sunday, as Duluth is one of the communities highlighted in a documentary on this important topic.
Liquid Assets Minnesota, the film documentary produced and sponsored with the assistance of the Minnesota Chapter of American Public Works Association (APWA), will be broadcast this Sunday, December 4, at 8 PM on PBS Channel 8.4.
The documentary, developed over a two year period, explores the function, age, and condition of our water, waste water, and storm water infrastructure and delivers the message that the infrastructure is in urgent need of repairs and capacity relief or else our quality of life may be threatened. Duluth is highlighted in the documentary as one of several Minnesota communities that face significant challenges to maintain quality services under the pressures of an aging infrastructure.
"Our water system is out of sight, out of mind, until the system fails. The Liquid Assets series is an opportunity to understand all of the systems necessary to make sure water is available on demand in your home. As a nation, we have neglected our water system and we're paying the price in the form of very expensive water main leaks and breaks," said Mayor Don Ness.
After this Sunday's premiere, the program will be repeated several times on PBS. In addition, the
documentary will be made available on DVD so that it can be viewed and discussed by select groups
such as schools, city councils, public utilities, other civic groups, legislators, and anyone interested
the future of our water infrastructure.
For more information contact Pakou Ly, Public Information Coordinator 218-730-5309.
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