Duluth Parks Hosting Clean Up Projects, Needs Volunteers
The Duluth Parks and Recreation department is hosting "Clean and Green" clean up projects beginning April 28th. They are looking for volunteers to help spring clean the parks and public spaces. Individuals, organizations, groups, basically anyone is encouraged to help out.
The city provides the necessary supplies and will pick up the garbage after the event. You can register for the event by following their website calendar.
Some of the hosted events include Skyline Parkway on April 28th from 2-5. Saturday May 5th the city is partnering with local businesses to clean up Bardon's Peak. On Saturday May 11th, Hoops Brewing Company is partnering with Friends of the Lakewalk to do a cleanup along the Lakewalk.
If you would like to have your own group organize a cleanup you can register at http://duluthmn.gov/parks/volunteer/clean-and-green-request-form/.
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