Duluth Denfeld’s Entire Student Body Rocks The 2015 Lip Dub Incredible Video
Once again I am in awe of the talent and camaraderie of Duluth Denfeld High School! The group effort put forth by the students, faculty and administration makes this a MUST WATCH video. It will have you smiling and I bet you'll get into it with them! Makes ya want to be back in high school!
I can only imagine the time and effort spent with the video's choreography and the organization of over 1,000 of Denfeld students to make this video a reality and show Denfeld School pride.
They are lip synching to "The Walker’" by Fitz and the Tantrums and all students were asked to be involved with the video in some way.
Last year's video was made to help meld Central and Denfeld school after Central was closed. That video showed the cohesiveness of the student body and the pride they all shared. This year's video takes it up yet another notch and highlights some of the extra curricular activities available at that school.
You're gonna L O V E this!
2014 Denfeld Lip-Dub
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