Duluth City Hall to Host Trick-Or-Treaters on Halloween
If you're looking for an opportunity to take the kids trick-or-treating in a warm, safe environment on Halloween afternoon, then head down to Duluth City Hall-oween.
The City of Duluth announced that for the first time ever, Duluth City Hall will be open for trick-or-treaters on Halloween from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Those that participate are asked to abide by the City Hall Use Policy which include:
- No masks or items that can hide your face/identity.
- No violent or offensive costumes.
- No gang references or horror characters.
- No weapons.
- No costumes that demean race, religion, nationality, gender, or disabilities.
You can do some afternoon trick-or-treating and then head home and get ready for even more candy collecting in your neighborhood, if you so desire.
If you do venture outside on Halloween night, be sure to bundle up. Evening temperatures are likely to only be in the upper 20's, or low 30's if you're lucky. I'll be dressed up as an Arctic Explorer.
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