Dry Conditions Dominate First Part Of May 2021 In The Twin Ports
Have you noticed that it has been a pretty mild month so far in the Duluth and Superior area? It has also been a very dry month.
The National Weather Service of Duluth shared an interesting graphic on their Twitter page Wednesday (May 12th). The graphic details how dry different parts of the midwest are, including the Twin Ports.
According to their post, it has been incredibly dry up until the post was published. In fact, they report that the Twin Ports has seen five to twenty-five percent of normal precipitation values, which is well below average.
This isn't just an issue in the Twin Ports. It looks like most of Minnesota and a good part of northwest Wisconsin are also facing dry conditions so far until this point.

The good news is we still have the rest of the month to make it up so we could definitely hit normal precipitation values by the end of the month! We all know how unpredictable the weather can be here so anything is possible.
Recently, the National Weather Service of Duluth shared a climate summary of what we saw in April in the Twin Ports. We were slightly above-average in terms of temperature and precipitation. Remember that lengthy rainy streak we saw?
What else is interesting is how long it was that we went without reaching the seventy-degree mark in the Twin Ports! Thankfully, we saw a warm start to May but prior to that, it had been late 2020. We will take a little rain if it means we have nice, warm temperatures.
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