Dream Job? Seeking Person To Travel Around Wisconsin For Two Weeks And Sample Cheese Curds
I would guess it is pretty safe to say that almost any where i go out to eat if cheese curds or even cheese sticks are on the menu I have to order them. Having grown up in Milwaukee I promise you cheese was a big part of our diet and I absolutely love it. I am convinced I would have a full blown panic attack if I ever became lactose intolerant.
So here is the deal, according to FOX9 EatStreet which is a food delivery service is looking for a "Curd Nerd" If you are hired for the job you will travel around Wisconsin for 2 weeks to sample and document your findings about different cheese curd throughout the state!
This position pays up to $12.50 an hour and up to $1,000 for 2 weeks, plus EatStreet will cover all expenses as part of the experience. According to EatStreet "The "curd nerd" would work from October 15 to October 29. For the job, the company is looking for "an outgoing, engaging and passionate person" that can tell a story on social media and be the face of their "Curd Campaign."
Applications for this once in a lifetime job ARE DUE BY OCTOBER 2 so you need to get on it. To apply click here.
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