What’s so special about Dr. Oz that he gets be on the cover of 0 magazine. Oprah Winfrey has never before put a man on the cover… ever. In fact, she always makes herself the main image, but she announced that Dr. Mehmet Oz will be the first testosterone-driven being on the front of her January issue.

The reason she’s allowing his face to kick off 2012? “As we toast to a new year and encourage readers to take the first step toward a happier, healthier life, who better to help us get on the right path than my dear friend and America’s doctor, Dr. Oz[?]” Winfrey explained.

Of course, Dr. Oz isn’t on the cover alone. As always, Oprah sneaks herself in there, and you’ll be able to experience the issue on stands next week.

Dr. Oz Oprah magazine cover

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