Whether you’re tight on cash or simply want to shower mom with gifts from the heart, opting for the do-it-yourself route is a great alternative to store bought treats. And even though she’ll love anything you get her, she’ll definitely notice — and appreciate — the extra bit of elbow grease you put into Mother’s Day this year.

Here are a few instructional videos on how to make creative Mother’s Day gifts from scratch.

1. Indoor Mini Planter

Have a mom with a green thumb? She’ll adore this precious planter.

2. Candy Bouquets

Instead of a floral arrangement this year, give mom an edible bouquet.

3. DIY Bath Bombs

Treat your mom to a spa day with these homemade bath bombs.

4. DIY Handprint Flower Card

Get the kiddos involved with this truly handmade card.

5. Paper Flower Gift Bag

Go DIY with the gift wrap, too, by making a decorative bag to hold your gifts for mom.

- Additional reporting by Wendy Gould


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