City of Superior Makes Changes To Spring Clean Up
The annual spring cleanup starts April 30th in Superior, and the city would like residents to know of some changes in the criteria for what they accept and how to properly stack your brush. Anything that does not meet the criteria will be the responsibility of the resident to dispose of.
- Crews will only spend 15 minutes per pile chipping wood
- Piles should be no larger than the size of an average police car
- No shorter than 18 inches and no longer than 12 feet in length
- Only brush cut by homeowners or residents will be collected, not brush cut by contractors
- no leaves will be picked up
- do not put any brush in plastic bags, and they should be clear of any rope or wire
Brush should be place street side with the trunk facing the street at a 90 degree angle. They should not be more than 3 feet away from the curb.
The scheduled pick up begins April 30th in the North End of Superior. Other locations will follow.
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