City of Duluth Releases Key Dates for 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary
We are officially in an important election year and the City of Duluth wants everyone to be aware of key upcoming dates for the 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary.
According to The City:
The Presidential Nomination Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. This election will require voters to choose either a Democratic-Farm-Labor-Party ballot or a Republican Party ballot when absentee voting, voting in person at City Hall, or voting on election day at their polling place. Declaration of a specific party
ballot is required to be able to vote in this election. The major political party choice of the voter is private information pursuant to State Law.
Here are the dates to remember:
- Presidential Nomination Primary Election – March 3, 2020 – Polls open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Vote Early [Absentee In-Person or by Mail] Beginning – January 17, 2020
- Last Day to Pre-Register to Vote – February 11, 2020. Voters who miss this deadline may still register at their polling place on Primary Election Day.
If you haven't done so already, you should register to vote today. Duluthians have several ways to accomplish this:
- Register online by going to
- Click here to fill out a Voter Registration Application from the City Clerk’s office. You then need to deliver it in person or by mail to the Duluth City Clerk (318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st. St., Duluth, MN 55802) or the St. Louis County Voter Registration Office (214 St. Louis County Courthouse, 100 N. 5th Ave. W., Duluth,
MN 55802). - Register at the polls on Election Day or when applying for or renewing your driver’s license. Click here to find your polling place.