City Of Duluth Looks For Volunteers To Help Tip Roses At The Rose Garden
You don't have to have a green thumb to help "tip the roses" at the Leif Erikson Park Rose Garden in Duluth. In fact, you could use this as a learning experience. Tipping roses needs to be done when the weather starts to turn cooler. It helps to protect the plant, almost puts it in a sort of hibernation mode. Can you help?
Because of our extreme weather in Minnesota, roses are laid-over into trenches for protection from the elements. In the spring the roses are then "raised". (we'll be asking for volunteers then too).
With the cooler weather we've been having, it’s time for our rose bushes to be tipped and the Duluth City Staff, along with the Lake Superior Rose Society would love if you joined them at their annual “tipping the roses” event using the Minnesota Tip Method, scheduled for the following dates with a weekend morning and a weekday evening. Hopefully you can make one of the dates and times. Please note that in years past they've had to postpone because of weather conditions, please be mindful of that.
- Saturday, October 22 from 9 am – Noon
- Tuesday, October 25 from 3 pm - 6 pm
Whether you are an experienced master gardener or just want to learn, experts in the process will be there to teach volunteers. Previous knowledge is not required. This is for all ages, no experience needed event. Groups, families and individuals are invited to sign up. Dress for the weather in the Northland and bring gloves and/or a shovel/garden fork (if you have them). Tools and gloves will be provided to volunteers who do not have them.
Meet at the Rose Garden, between 12th and 13th. Free parking is located in the lot adjacent to the Rose Garden. (in between Valentini's and the Rose Garden).
Registration is encouraged in order for staff to prepare enough tools and equipment for participants. Contact Cheryl at 218-730.4334 or cskafte@duluthmn.gov to sign up or go to their Facebook page at DuluthParksMN.
Thanks in advance!
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