City of Duluth Is Offering Free Lead Testing Of Homes Drinking Water
Everyone deserves access to healthy and safe drinking water and many of us myself included don't give it a second thought it is just always there. But the city of Duluth actually works very hard behind the scenes to make sure of that. Have you ever gone somewhere and gotten a glass of water from a well? OMG not that I am trying to be a water snob but I just can't.
In order to continue providing healthy eater for it's residents the city is offering a free lead testing service to residents selected. Some criteria you need to meet in order to be eligible for the testing : Residents must be connected to City of Duluth water, live in a single family home and must have a lead service line. Also your home must have been built in the 1930's or earlier because lead service lines were routinely installed in Duluth homes and many of these lines are still in place today.

Unfortunately, even high quality water can become contaminated if it travels to your tap through a lead service line. This particular testing program will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis and homes that are to be tested will be well spread out through the City. Each participant will receive the results for their home. If you would like to sign up please click here.
Unfortunately with so many older homes in Duluth these lead pipes are something that many homeowners may not even be aware they have. Hopefully this test can help alert those residents of the water contamination if that happens to be the case, or give piece of mind that no lead was found in their drinking water.
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