Another Virtual Meeting Set To Provide Twin Ports Interchange Project Update
The Duluth Interchange Project, aka the Can Of Worms, continues to move forward and the Minnesota Department of Transportation has scheduled a virtual meeting to provide a public update.
According to MnDOT, the virtual public meeting will be held on Monday, June 28 at 12:15 p.m. The virtual meeting will provide participants an opportunity to meet with MnDOT staff and ask questions. The meeting is being held virtually "to prevent further spread of COVID-19." In fact, MnDOT is not hosting any in-person public meetings at this time.
You can click on the button below to get a direct link to the meeting. Those without internet access can also join by calling 855-282-6330 and entering access code 187 063 5117.
Those who are unable to attend the meeting June 28 will be able to watch it at a later date as MnDOT will post a video of the meeting on the project webpage.
The video below shows what the freeway will look like when completed from a motorist’s view heading north on I-35 through the Twin Ports Interchange area, then heading to southbound I-35 from I-535, or the Blatnik Bridge, through the Twin Ports Interchange area.
The Twin Ports Interchange Project, which will reconstruct the I-35/I-535/Hwy 53 interchange, looks to improve safety by:
- Providing a new conventional design
- Relocating all exits and entrances to the right side of the roadway
- Improving merging sight distance and eliminating merge conflicts
- Eliminating weaving problems near the interchange
- Providing lane continuity for through I-35 traffic