American Red Cross Offers Certification And Other Classes Online
The American Red Cross wants Americans to be prepared, but it's hard when you can't go out or you can't attend classes in person.
The Red Cross is now offering virtual classes for people looking to stay prepared by using Microsoft Teams. Each region around the United States has its own page to get certified but offers weekly online programs.
Be Red Cross Ready is a free preparedness education curriculum for communities designed to help people understand, prepare for, and respond appropriately to disasters.
The classes started on June 9th but continue on these dates:
The Pillowcase Project is a free interactive preparedness program designed for children in grades 3 through 5. Some children don't have access to go to the place that offers the classes and teach the skills, and especially with COVIID-19 limiting the number of people in classes and not allowing children to attend. The American Red Cross has come up with a way for kids to learn to be safe and create their own emergency kits and will receive workbooks. They then store them in a pillowcase and are invited to decorate the pillowcase and personalize it. They are encouraged to share what they have learned with their friends and family.
The Pillowcase Project webinars will be offered:
- Thursday, June 11, 3:00 p.m. CST
- Thursday, June 18, 3:00 p.m. CST
- Thursday, June 25, 3:00 p.m. CST
If you are looking to get certified for CPR Training for Adults or Babies, Psychological First Aid for yourself and others during COVID-19, Babysitting, Child Care, and other topics you can Register Here. Some of the classes are free some there is a cost.