27 City Park Spaces In Duluth + Superior To Spend Time Near The Water
Summertime in the Twin Ports area often times means recreation on or near the region's waterways. There's no lack of lakes, rivers, and streams to spend some time near across the region, but there are plenty people forget about right here in Duluth and Superior.
Everyone knows about places like Canal Park, Barker's Island, Park Point and Wisconsin Point, but there are well over 20 official park spaces that offer the ability to recreate next to the water without leaving Duluth/Superior.
With Duluth's 129 parks and Superior's nearly 60 city-managed park spaces, boat launches, and other public lands, there are a wealth of options that might have a pond, stream, or some other waterway as a feature.

Here are almost 30 of the best choices in Duluth and Superior to spend a little time near the water on your next time outside!
27 City Park Spaces In Duluth + Superior To Spend Time Near The Water
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