Renting homes and apartments is very common throughout the United States, and Minnesota is no exception.

Statistics within the last 7 years show that nearly one in three people in Minnesota live in rental units, with the Twin Cities region having the highest percentage of renter households in the state.

Of course, not all people are equally reliable, which can lead to horrible results for both landlords and tenants. However, some helpful steps can be taken before renting a property.

These steps were designed to help protect landlords, but they are also things renters should know because if your potential landlord fails to take any of these steps, you could question how well they treat other tenants and their properties.

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10 Important Things To Do Before Renting Any Property

Many people have investment properties, which they rent out to tenants with a mutual expectation that things will go well.

However, that is not always the case. In one such high-profile incident, profiled in New York Magazine, Suzanne Seggerman’s legendary NYC loft was demolished by a "monster tenant" who appeared perfect on paper and online. It was later discovered that this tenant had destroyed other properties.

That led to her creating 'Seggerman’s 10 Landlord Tips', which will be extremely helpful to all landlords. These tips are also good for tenants to be aware of as some can be used to check on potential landlords and ensure they're taking steps to protect their properties.

Gallery Credit: David Drew

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