Wow, what a brutal Super Bowl.   Yikes.  We both feel pretty bad for Peyton Manning as the Broncos fell apart and lost to the Seahawks 43-8.  That was tough to watch.

The MVP was Malcom Smith, who is only the 3rd linebacker to win the award.   So the game was kind of lame, but did you have any favorite commercials?

Here's mine:

And Cathy still tears up about this one:

B105 Things:

80% of women want botox for Valentines day, according to a recent study.  Be careful though guys, not all treatments are the same and it could be offensive.

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means he's predicting six more weeks of winter.  (Really?  Big surprise.)

Some jerk stole a tow truck and stole abandoned cars during that Atlanta Storm.  Thankfully he was caught.   Some people...

 Brain Teaser Question:

2,000 women were polled and 32% said that this makes men most attractive.

Answer:  Pick Up Truck

Things you shouldn't tell a girl that's been cheated on.


Are You Smarter Than?

What is the number 1 produced crop in America?

Answer:  corn

Entertainment Update:

We learned yesterday that Philip Seymore Hoffman died of an apparent drug overdose yesterday.

The Band Perry has offered to pay all the expenses to bury the Kentucky family that was killed from that tragic housefire.

Billy Ray Cyrus has offered his farm as a retreat for troubled Justin Bieber.  He said they could go to the Tee Pee, ride some four wheelers, have a bonfire, and watch the turkeys.   (Maybe he should invite his daughter too?)

10 Ways Guys Are Shockingly Simple

Things like:

  • When your man says, "I just want to be let alone."  Means exactly that.
  • When he says, "I don't care, you pick."  He means you can pick.

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