I am one of those people that gets a cold 2-3 times per year.  When I get them, they are bad.  Really bad.  Not like, "oh I'm a little stuffy," or "I have a scratchy throat."  I go throw on average 3 boxes of facial tissue for the amount of snot my body creates.  It is disgusting. 

When I was younger I had my tonsils and adenoids removed because of my frequent colds and sinus infections.  I wish they gave out boy scout badges for that, but they didn't.   Anyway, the reason I am saying all this is that I have tried EVERYTHING to relieve the symptoms of the common cold.  What works the best?  Advil Cold & Sinus.

It's the kind that you need to get from behind the counter because of those stupid meth heads that ruined decongestants for everyone.  Advil Cold & Sinus contains pseudoephedrine which is a common decongestant (which is also a key ingredient in making meth.)  So you have to give your driver's license and sign it out with the pharmacist.  It's worth the extra hassle.

I've tried nasal sprays, cold and cough syrups, herbal remedies, etc.  Nothing works quite like this.  Now to be fair, I'm sure ibuprofen and psuedofed of any brand would work, but for some reason this stuff seems to do the trick better for me.

Now, a disclaimer.  I still feel like crap.  Just a little bit less crappy and I can breathe through my nose occasionally.


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