Windsor Canadian Spiced Whisky Review
There's been a recent movement by whisky makers to start offering a spiced version of their whisky to consumers. Canadian Club has offered their spiced drink, and now Windsor Canadian has done the same. Being a long time Windsor drinker, I thought I would try it and share my review.Now in case you're thinking I'm spelling Whisky wrong, you're wrong. A little known fact about Whisky is that it has two different spellings. Whisky is the proper way to spell it if it was distilled in Canada, Wales, Scotland, or Japan. Whiskey is the way to spell it if it was distilled in Ireland or the United States. Ok, now we can get that out of the way.
The Windsor Canadian Spiced Whisky is a much sweeter blend. Think of if you have had Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. It almost has that syrup like aftertaste. This applies to the Windsor spiced. It's not a bad taste, but definitely different from traditional Windsor. I'm not saying the spiced isn't good, it's just not my thing. Especially if you are mixing Windsor with a soft drink, it really has a sweet taste. Not enough burn or bite. Also the Windsor Spiced is 70 proof, which is slightly less strong as the original.
It could be the fact that Windsor has been my drink of choice for quite a while. I guess I'm so used to the taste that why mess with something so great? Windsor is the best tasting Whisky/Whiskey/Bourbon for the price. Usually you can get it for nearly half the price as Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Maker's Mark, etc. So I think I'll keep to my regular Windsor and Seven Up and save my checkbook.
Of course, there is that Windsor Cherry I haven't tried yet.
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