Whoa! Buck In Wisconsin Breaks In And Trashes Upstairs Of Home
A buck in a Milwaukee suburb of West Allis went haywire when it broke into a home and ran upstairs trashing room after room trying to find a way to escape. Sue and Richard Sujecki had their main door open with a glass storm door closed when all of a sudden a deer crashed through the glass door.
They are guessing the buck may have been about two years old as he charged through the living room running by all the windows and desperately trying to find a way out of the house. Richard said to Spectrumnews1: "I didn’t realize it was a deer until it came out of the living room, It didn’t go through the door where it could have gotten out. Instead, it ran right past me and up the steps.”
The deer managed to run into every room of the house on the second floor bleeding from its leg and mouth. Sue said the deer was upstairs for a total of three hours causing havoc and damage to their home. He broke glass, lamps, and collectibles and poked holes in the ceiling with his antlers.
I could not even imagine how frightening this must have been for the couple trying to figure out how to get the deer out of the house without him hurting himself anymore or doing more damage to their home.
The Sujecki's were able to get ahold of someone from the DNR and their son to help. The officers were finally able to trap the deer and get it downstairs and out the front door. The couple said they were grateful for the DNR officer's help since they did not think they would have ever been able to get the deer outside by themselves.
DNR warden Erik Anderson said the deer could have been drawn to the home initially because they had some plastic deer in the front yard and it is mating season. As far as why the deer busted through the glass door, he went on to say he could have seen his reflection in the glass and thought it was another male deer.
Heads up if you have plastic deer in your yard, you might want to make sure you keep your door close tightly or take the deer down until after the mating season is over.
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